Storm Water Management

Quick Facts

Decaying leaves and organic materials in the storm drain increase bacteria and mosquito production and decrease oxygen essential for fish life.

Report to 311 or 208-5311, any litter, illegal dumping, and illicit discharges (leaves, oil/grease/sediment) directed to storm drains. To submit a report of these activities online, please use this link.

Get Involved

Become involved with your local watershed group. The City of Mobile is part of the Mobile Bay Watershed and is composed of nine sub-watersheds: Bayou Sara, Chickasaw Creek, Dog River, Millers Creek, Mobile Bay, Mobile River, Muddy Creek, Pierce Creek, and Threemile Creek. If you are interested in organizing a watershed cleanup, contact 311 or 208-5311.


If you have comments on the Storm Water Management Program Plan (SWMPP), please email them to